
Showing posts from December, 2017

Build a Better Britain with Lord Grit - Foundations

FOUNDATIONS Before any 'building' can begin, we should first clear the site. In 1973, Ted Heath withheld crucial information; this was very likely also excluded from the Wilson referendum of 1975. If this nation had been aware they would lose control of their borders, their judiciary, and fishing rights, they would never have voted to go into Europe. The debate was billed as the 'Common Market', it deliberately failed to disclose the political union with the EU, who plan to absorb all member nations in a super-state, with its own army. The referendum of 23 June 2016 restored our sovereign powers; they must never be given away. We must shape and forge our own destiny. This nation was built by the hard work and sacrifices of the ordinary people; many men built fortunes on the backs of the poor. Millions died fighting for our liberty and independence. In the First World War, the Germans said our troops were “ Lions led by Donkey's ”. Who is leading us ...

Build a Better Britain with Lord Grit - Forward

Lord Winston Grit Building a better Britain is the hearts desire of Lord Winston Grit of Lantern County, Suffolk, Great Britain. His Lordship has an unconditional love of the British people, and it is undiluted by the flaws of party politics, diversity of religious beliefs,  racial grouping, or country of origin.. His building of a better Britain, is based on the assumption that everyone who lives in the British Isles will support the definition of society as:- "The willing gathering together of like minded people for generally acceptable purposes". Lord Grit's love for his 'Human Masters' embraces their essential need for debate before bringing about changes, and with benign good will, he hopes debates and discussions will be lively, forward looking, productive, and above all; brief.  These debates take place before the changes, not afterwards! He insists that British politicians will scrupulously adhere to their 'Oath of Allegiance', a...

The Beneficiaries

Lord Grit has an unconditional love of his 'human masters', especially those aged 0 - 5 years. "This is serious", is his Lordship's catchphrase, and in amidst all his love and fun for this precious age group, are hidden messages that will help them grow from little acorns into mighty oaks. They will need the help of their parents, and all of us; writers, cartoonists, suppliers of baby goods, t/v programmers, advertisers, and publishers. Everyone of us should want to reveal the doors of life at the earliest age, and excite a learning curiosity to discover the joys of this heavenly beautiful planet, and the wonders of all the arts, music, dance, and literature life offers. For those first five years, profit must take second place to some magical and wonderful ways, of welcoming tiny tots onto the path to the 'grown up' world. We need to 'Build a better Britain for them, and as Lord Grit says; "This is serious".